Few serious cases can prevail at trial relying on the skills of an attorney alone. Good attorneys know the secret to trial success is a reliable and experienced defense team consisting of investigators, experts and where appropriate, associates and paralegals. The Law Office of Matthew J. Kluger has ongoing and longstanding relationships with many of these support professionals and when necessary, will recommend that they be used.
In some cases, experts can be as important as the attorney themselves. Our firm has ongoing relationships with doctors, ballistics experts, DNA experts, pathologists, accountants, psychiatrists, and many other experts whose opinions and assistance may have a significant influence on the outcome of a case. When appropriate, we may suggest that the services of a qualified expert are necessary to properly prepare and defend your case.
The Government has police, FBI and other law enforcement officers working for them full-time. Shouldn't you? Defense investigators locate and speak with witnesses, measure, photograph and record relevant locations and are experts in finding sensitive information. Many a case has been lost because it has not been properly and thouroughly investigated. At the Law Office of Matthew J. Kluger, we only work with reputable, licensed, private investigators. In fact, the majority of the investigators we work with are ex-law enforcement professionals themselves. (Click here to see Matt's recent article published in the 2012 Atticus discussing the important, and often underutilized, role of private investigators in criminal defense).
Different cases have unique needs and require a different allocation of resources. Some cases have hundreds of hours of recordings, others have voluminous documents, still others have very little physical discovery but numerous witnesses. Like experts, associates and paralegals can have expertise in specific fields such as accounting, IT or electronic discovery. Our office hires and works with experienced associates and paralegals depending on the requirements of each case. In this way, we can ensure that the right people are working on your case while at the same time minimizing the costs.